The List - every film WFS has screened since 1996...

The List - every film WFS has screened since 1996...

There is only one link to click here but it gives you access to every film WFS has screened since April 1996. Explanation of colour coding: Yellow - program for the year in chronological order. White - program for the following year, and so on. Orange - indicates that WFS owns a copy of the film and is available for members to borrow.

The List  The List WFS.pdf

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FVFS Newsletters

FVFS Newsletters

The Williamstown Film Society is a member of the Federation of Victoria Film Societies (FVFS). Amongst other things they produce a bi-monthly newsletter, Reel News, which you can access below by clicking on an appropriate link. David Stratton is the Patron of the FVFS and it is through his association with the FVFS that he produced the video introductions to selected movies. We used his introduction to the Danish suspense - thriller, The Guilty, back in February 2020.

ReelNews May 2022 Final (1).pdf

Reel News FEB 2020.pdf

Reel News MAY 2020.pdf

ReelNews SEPT 2020.pdf

Reel News NOV 2020.pdf

ReelNews FEB 2021.pdf

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Books to borrow...

Books to borrow...

A slowly growing collection of books for you to borrow. Just email Michael Slee (Join Us page) and he will bring it along at the next screening. Sign the borrowing book and bring it back next month. It is a simple as that.

Books for borrowing.pdf

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Our former website...

Our former website...

The link below takes you to the Williamstown Film Society's original website, which was managed by Barbara Sloan. It is still reachable with its last entry in 2019. There are some old newsletters, calendars and notes on some of the films we have screened as far back as 2014 in an archive. It is far from complete but it is nice to browse through. A job for the future to upload all of the old newsletters and other documentation of our recent history.

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